Industry News

5-Star Paintball Fields in Australia

The Australian Paintball Association issues 5-star ratings to those paintball centres that offer the ultimate paintball adventure, placing an emphasis on safety and customer service and satisfaction. At the publication of this article, the AUPBA has issued 5-star...

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Minimum Age Reduction in NSW – Update

The AUPBA has today received correspondence from the Hon. Jodi McKay MP, Minister for the Hunter, regarding some correspondence back from the office of the Minister for Police. As expected, progress on this matter has been slowed with parliament in “caretaker mode”...

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Almost 2000 signatures on our petition!

We’d like to thank everyone who has signed our petition to lower the minimum paintballing age to 12 years of age in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. The AUPBA appreciates your support, which will enable more people to experience the fun and excitement of...

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Paintballing Masks

Paintballing masks, or goggles as they are also referred to, are the most important piece of equipment you will receive on your skirmish adventure. Paintballs can travel at speeds of up to 300 feet per second and injuries only occur when the proper protection is not...

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Attackers terrorising residents with paintball guns

The following story was posted on the Courier-Mail website on March 14, 2011 12:01AM. "ATTACKERS using paintball guns have been terrorising residents around Redcliffe peninsula, with police trying to track them down before someone is seriously injured. By late...

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Paintball Membership

The Australian Paintball Association (AUPBA) was established to help promote and protect the Australian paintballing industry. With your help we can achieve these objectives and see our incredible sport grow to become one of the largest in the country. AUPBA...

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Paintball Body Armour

This relatively new piece of equipment provides added protection to the upper torso, ensuring all players can go out onto the field in more confidence. Particularly popular with female players, the paintball body armour has been a great initiative that most centres...

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Australian Paintball Forum

By becoming a member of the AUPBA, not only will you receive industry discounts and promotional rates, but you will also gain access to our members-only paintballing forum. This forum has been designed by paintballers for paintballers. With a range of different...

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Help reduce the minimum paintballing age

Those who are 12 years or older in South Australia and Western Australia can play, so why can’t teenagers around the rest of Australia enjoy the thrills of the great sport that is paintball? to help reduce the minimum paintballing age from 16 years in NSW and 18 years...

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5-Star Rating for Dingley Paintball

Dingley Paintball, located only 30 minutes from Melbourne’s CBD, has been issued with a 5-star rating due to their 100% safety record, world-class game zones and impeccable facilities. The Australian Paintball Association issues 5-star ratings to those paintball...

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